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Overview    What You'll Eat     Coaches     Detox     Journaling     Low GI Eating     Labels     Exercise     Metabolism     Solutions

Week 3 - Low Glycemic Eating

                    With Julie Wheat

Healthy Inside.png



Here on the M3 Website, we've been compiling healthy recipes,

life hacks to make healthy eating easier, and other wellness tips.   

We encourage you to take a tour and leave comments! 

New posts are added weekly.





The TLS website also has a wide variety of flavorful recipes that will help you stay on track without getting bored.  When you take your Weight Loss Survey, you'll be given a food plan to follow:  Detox, Sure and Steady (SS), Rapid Results (RR), Fat Shredder (FS), Continued Commitment (CC) - the following recipes are specifically designed to compliment your specific food plan.






Chocolate Muffins

1. Continue to fill in your journal, starting on pg 18


2. Continue using your Jump Start kit, and eating foods from the Detox

  food program this week. Next week you'll switch to your chosen program. 


3. Watch the Low Glycemic Impact Eating video.


4. Read Chapter 1 in your journal: pages 36-41


5. Watch the Food Pyramid video


6. If you haven't done so already, take the Weight Loss Profile quiz and the

   Nutriphysical Nutritional Analysis quiz.


7. Watch Melisa's YouTube playlist, with some other short videos relevant

   to this week's topic.


8. If you didn't do so last week, download the Kahoot app to play a fun quiz

   game with the whole class. Top quizmasters get prizes!

Looking to next week


Overview    What You'll Eat     Coaches     Detox     Journaling     Low GI Eating     Labels     Exercise     Metabolism     Solutions

Be sure to bring your filled-in Journal to class!

Here's the information for next Monday's call


(we will also be live at M3 Mall)


Reading Labels, With Alison Kenyon

Monday, 10/19, 6pm - at M3 Mall or via zoom.



Download the Kahoot app to play a fun quiz game with the 

whole class. Top quizmasters get prizes!

Setup instructions:

download  ->  no need to set up an account! 

It will ask you to answer 2 questions:

1) How do you want to play?  Answer "As a student".

2) Your age.

That's it!

When we're ready to play, Melisa will give you a game PIN 

to get you into our game.





133 Neal St.  Grass Valley, CA 95945



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