"You've got a 'Side Gig' for me? ...WHAT???"
Are you suddenly getting tons of direct messages from friends -AND STRANGERS -
asking you to "join their team"?
I sure have been! Just yesterday A STRANGER messaged me on FB, saying that I would be great for her team.
I'm sorry... who are you? What are you selling? And why am I a "good fit"?
Because I'm breathing and I accepted your friend request?
Don't get me wrong, our M3 Mall team is always growing and expanding - but the people we want to add are the PROFESSIONALS.
Sorry, but we don't just want a pile of "warm bodies" padding out our roster.
We're searching for partners who are smart, passionate, committed, engaged, friendly, focused- you know, the real deal pro!
That's because our team, our company, and our products are the REAL DEAL.
Our wellness line has been developed, fine-tuned, and marketed with the expertise and guidance of thousands of actual medical professionals.
So it's no surprise that our team is comprised of nurses, phlebotomists, pharmacists, fitness trainers and massage therapists. (Meet some of them HERE)
Our skincare lines are unmatched; simply out-of-this-world amazing!
So amazing that we've attracted a few passionate consumers to our team- because they've fallen in so deeply in love with the line that they have to to share it (not because they were randomly recruited on social media).
But primarily our skin care line is represented by established makeup artists and clinical aestheticians who believe so strongly in our skin care offerings that they've added several of our top sellers to their own list of services- in the clinic, in the salon, and on the shelf.
Right now - with all of our studios, salons, and gyms being closed, - side gigs are important.
For most of us our side gig is now our ONLY gig.
I went into March FIRED UP with 5 streams of income!
Come April I was down to ONE: the online sales segment of our wellness and beauty studio.
And boy am I thankful for this!!! Online sales are exploding.
We are helping people find everything they need ON LINE - and we're getting it
shipped to their door for FREE.
I love helping people.
I love being a resource, and I am so very thankful for having this steady income.
My online business is SOARING!!!
Are you an industry professional that could use some help right now?
With a line that you can continue to carry after your doors are back open?
For a little more information:
One of my colleagues wrote this blog - and I just loved it!!!
Want to work with a team of true professionals? Learn more about Melisa here!
Would you love to try 30 day supply of Collagen FOR FREE?
If the answer is "yes", you're in luck, because we're having a CONTEST!
Here's how to enter:
1. Complete this survey between now and May 30th, and you will get one entry in the drawing
*Be sure to use the referral email melisa@m3mall.biz when filling out the survey
to be properly entered into the drawing*
2. Continue shopping- every additional purchase from M3 Mall gets you ANOTHER ENTRY!

Love how your business helps so many in times of need.